Come ci si sente alla fine di un’avventura? Domanda
Già qualche giorno prima di partire sentivo questa
sofferenza crescermi dentro, va beh anche perché ho vissuto per 3 mesi in mezzo
al nulla del deserto, Sahara Orientale, a 150 metri da uno dei mari tropicali
più ricchi di biodiversità al mondo, uno spettacolo continuo di colori e forme
di vita, con una scoperta sorprendente ogni giorno. Ho nuotato con delfini e
tartarughe, potuto ammirare il dugongo, ammirando atolli di reef corallini e
formazioni madreporiche multistratificate “ah ecco! Siamo precisi per favore, non
sia mai che proviamo a parlare come esseri umani normali, eh?” “stai buono…” svolgendo
uno dei progetti più interessanti mai presentati in questo ambito e sviluppando
moltissime applicazioni, superando i miei limiti personali e imparando moltissimo,
sia in acqua che fuori da questa. Ho letto, studiato, imparato, mi sono
confrontato con colleghi biologi che ho incontrato per puro caso, ho insegnato
e fatto divulgazione, mi sono commosso, di fronte a spettacoli naturali,
tranquilli, non sono un tipo “romantico”, insomma ho vissuto. Alla grande
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Corals - Hurghada - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Ma direi che non ci si può certo lamentare.
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Spinner Dolphin - Sataya's "Dolphin" Reef - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
una meraviglia.
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Green Sea Turtle - Marsa Egla - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
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Bottlenose Dolphin - Dolphin House - Hurghada - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Ci resterò per un po’.
E voi? cosa aspettate a venire a trovarmi? Ci vedremo nella
savana tra un alba mozzafiato a cercare elefanti, leoni, leopardi oppure su una
spiaggia corallina pronti ad entrare in acqua e scoprire un universo totalmente
nuovo, magari facendo immersione con gli squali?
#Adventure #Never #Ends
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Spinner Dolphins - Sataya's "Dolphin" Reef - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Se vi è piaciuto questo articolo allora potreste essere interessati a lasciare un commento, oppure a leggere anche questi altri:
How do you feel at the end of an adventure? Edgy Question.
How do you feel at the end of an adventure? Edgy Question.
Bad mood.
First of all because your heart is full of wonderful
experiences that you have lived, and second because you have met wonderful
people, and you miss them.
Few days before I left I felt this mood rising up in me, ok
maybe because I lived for three months in the middle of nowhere in the desert,
Eastern Sahara, 150 meters from one of the richest in biodiversity tropical
seas in the world, a continuous show of colors and forms of life, with
surprising discoveries every day. I swam with dolphins and turtles, I saw the
dugong, I admired coral reefs and multilayered coral formations " Be
precise please, do not ever try to talk like normal human beings, eh?
"" Be quiet… " carrying out one of the most exciting project
ever presented in this area and developing a variety of applications, beyond my
personal limits, learning a lot of things, both in water and out of it. I read,
studied, learned, I was confronted with fellow biologists I've met quite by
accident, I trained and spread my knowledge, I was emotioned, in front of
natural spectacles, for sure I'm not a romantic person, in short, I lived. On top!
Physically, I’m more tanned, blonder and I have a big
intolerance to wear shoes. In fact my life was in bare feet, or at most in
flip-flops, shorts and T - shirt, sometimes with windbreaker and fleece, it was
winter, do not forget that when the wind blows strongly from the north, it can
be downright annoying cold. But I would say that I cannot certainly complain
What’s changed inside me, however, it’s more difficult to
describe. I feel a deep gratitude and
respect to the people who welcomed me and allowed to carry out this project.
Needless to mention them, they know it already. We lived 24 on 24 hours, 7 on 7
days in close contact, practically without a way out, then we lived
relationships in a much more intense way and sometimes difficult ones, but
still very real. It happens that you discover things about yourselves that you
did’nt know, we could call it a “personality test”, that may also surprise you.
Jitters and concerns are amplified in certain cases, and then resolved quickly
and you can discover that you are much more calm and peaceful than you
imagined, not that I am exactly one can be called turbulent "you? Shut up!
nobody believes in!" Ok at least I have been pretty turbulent in the past,
not now. I found myself interesting and interested, I explored many things, I met
many people, I experienced incredible situations and emotions. For example my
first dive, a crazy cool (technical term of the underwater world, however),
snorkeling at night, night dives and my usual ability to find interesting
animals and life forms even if I have less experience then my colleagues, I’ve
been amazed by the presence of migratory birds around us, by the smallest form
of life as plankton, by the game that dolphins (bottlenose dolphins) have done
with us for about 30 mimutes. I could list them all but the most fascinating one
is the work that you take place upon yourself under water: the breath control gives
you progressions in your personal evolution, you face unexpected situations and
you learn to manage them, difficulties and dangers that you know how to solve.
It 's amazing
If I look however at the path that I have done during this
last year I have to be truly amazed and proud of me, I went on what a
"friend of writing" ( could easily define "the right way",
my way, following my inclinations and aspirations, without telling myself lies,
but acting day by day for what I want and I'm managing to do. It's not so
simple, as it has not been easy so far, but the difficulties at the begnning
and the obstacles that I have faced so far and that still await me, I have not
felt them so loud. I went from a training pretty hard with difficult theory and
practice to become Safari guide in Namibia, I had the opportunity to work in that
country to hone the skills acquired and make experience, I returned to Italy
and have set my life plan, I made this blog, I photographed and edited pictures
and videos, I searched and found another project that I care a lot and I just
ended in its first phase, and now?
Now I leave for a new adventure, without drama, without
problems, with the enthusiasm and desire, with life experience that becomes
larger and with the feeling that I will carry with me the people I met, at
least in thoughts. Next destination: Tanzania, Ruaha National Park, one of the
most wild of the entire country, off the beaten track classic safaris, with
beautiful nature and exciting environments that I can not wait to explore.
Ready to prove myself once again (Poche idee, ma ben confuse, pensieri e riflessioni a casaccio: IL CAMBIAMENTO é EVOLUZIONE) and see what I can arrange.
I'll stay for a
And you? what are you waiting to come to join me? I'll see
you in the bush between a breathtaking sunrise searching for elephants, lions,
leopards or on a coral reef ready to jump into the water and discover a whole
new universe, perhaps making a shark dive?
#Adventure #Never #Ends
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