“Hey man, how was the excursion?”
“good, but no Andrea, no Dugong, it’s seems you are Mr. Dugongo”
I ragazzi mi prendono in giro così.
In effetti la cosa è strana, la
prima escursione che ho fatto quando sono arrivato in Egitto era proprio per
l’avvistamento del Dugongo, uno dei mammiferi marini più interessanti e
minacciati. E proprio in quell’occasione l’abbiamo avvistato, poi anche tutte
le altre volte è andata così, e devo dire di ritenermi fortunato. Non è molto
comune avvistarlo e con gli animali selvatici liberi una buona dose di fortuna
non fa male.
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Dugong - SeaCow - Marsa Egla - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Io e Ale ci siamo conosciuti in Italia, durante un corso di formazione e ci siamo capiti al volo, io non so stare fermo a far niente neanche se mi obbligano, ho una fame di scoprire e di conoscere che mi divora e lei ha una forte personalità e un sacco d’esperienza nel mondo del diving. Perciò abbiamo cominciato a legare immediatamente.
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Dugong - SeaCow - Marsa Egla - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Date a Cesare quel che è di
Cesare, e direi che il merito va tutto a lei, peraltro se lo merita.
Ma torniamo al nostro amico
Il dugongo è un mammifero marino,
ma è l’unico cetaceo erbivoro. “Scusa non è che potresti spiegarti meglio? Come
al solito non si capisce niente…”, “adesso ci arriviamo”.
Appartiene all’ordine dei
Sirenidi, la parola deriva proprio dalle sirene perché in epoca antica era
stato confuso esse. Non a caso infatti possiede delle caratteristiche
particolari: una lunga coda con pinna caudale bilobata che muove lentamente, ma
molto efficiente, due pinne pettorali che vengono usate soprattutto per
ancorarsi al suolo, poi vedremo perché, più che per muoversi e la posizione
delle ghiandole mammarie decisamente inconsueta, il alto sul petto, cosicché da
assomigliare proprio ad un seno femminile.
Et Voilà la leggenda è fatta.
Et Voilà la leggenda è fatta.
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Dugong - SeaCow - Marsa Egla - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Ma il nostro Mr. Dugongo è unico nel suo genere, infatti mentre tutti gli altri cetacei, sia che si tratti di delfini (odontoceti) piuttosto che balene (misticeti) sono strettamente carnivori, lui è erbivoro.
Si nutre di una pianta marina che cresce soltanto in alcune baie (Marsa in arabo) in diverse parti del mondo, soprattutto in Mar Rosso. “piano, piano…piante marine? Vorrai dire alghe!” “no, no voglio dire proprio piante” si tratta di fanerogame marine che hanno un sistema radicale di ancoraggio al suolo, un fusto, delle foglie e fanno fiori emettendo polline, avendo una riproduzione sessuale proprio come le piante terrestri, ce n’è una anche nel mediterraneo si chiama Posidonia, ne avete mai sentito parlare?
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Dugong - SeaCow - Marsa Egla - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Nonostante non sia assolutamente
pericoloso per l’uomo e per niente aggressivo, bisogna comunque avere un certo
codice di comportamento quando si avvicina un esemplare. Primo, non toccarlo
(altrimenti vi stacco le mani) secondo non stargli troppo vicino e non troppo
addosso, lui sta sul fondo e voi in superficie a fare snorkeling, ma direi che
affollare troppo l’area non è cosa consigliabile potremmo disturbarlo e quindi,
non volendo, scacciarlo da casa sua. Oltretutto personalmente ho una regola,
che viene rispettata anche dai miei colleghi del diving, dopo circa un quarto
d’ora di osservazione si ritorna a riva e si cerca di far capire agli ospiti,
che sono fortunati ad aver avuto l’opportunità di vedere un animale in via
d’estinzione, e che può essere sufficiente così, non credete? È molto meglio
non disturbare troppo un animale, in modo da avere l’opportunità di rivederlo
in un’altra occasione piuttosto che scacciarlo. Possiamo godere della natura in
maniera diversa, più etica e a scopo conservazionistico, in modo migliore.
"Hey man, how was the excursion?" "Good, but no Andrea, no Dugong, it's Seems you are Mr. Dugong"
The guys tease me so.
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Green Sea Turtle - Marsa Egla - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved
Se vi è piaciuto questo articolo allora potreste essere interessati a lasciare un commento, oppure a leggere anche questi altri:
The guys tease me so.
Indeed, the strange thing is, the
first hike I did when I arrived in Egypt was just for the sighting of the
Dugong, one of the most interesting and threatened marine mammals. And on that
occasion we spotted, then also all the other times it went well, and I must say
I feel lucky. It’s not very common to spot him and with wild animals free a
good amount of luck doesn’t hurt
Primarily because the project I'm following (THE PRIVILEGE TO WORK IN FLIP FLOPS) at TGI DIVING MARSA ALAM is giving me the opportunity to live in nature
continuously, to see amazing places and to make discoveries and adventures are
always new and full of emotion. And for this I have to thank the person who
conceived the project and that follows directly, one I don’t hesitate to call her
a great woman with a temper but she looks far away and things to be done are
done: Alessandra Sicilia.
Me and Ale we met in Italy, during
a training course, and we understand each other immediately, I can not sit
still and do nothing even if you force me, I have a hunger to discover and to
know that consumes me and she has a strong personality and a lot of experience
in the world of diving. So we started to bond immediately. Practically a
criminal crew, because if we decide one thing, there's no doubt that we do not
do it. She and her husband Lollo are wonderful people, and they have that spark
in their eyes that tells you "hey I have a good look at my face? I'm not a
nerd! "And they are not able to stand still. So understand that when
Alexandra called me and asked me to put together the project and leaving, I
could possibly say no? I would have been stupid, and between 1000 flaws that I
have, for sure stupid I’m not.
Give to Caesar what is Caesar's,
and I would say that the credit goes to her, however, she deserves it.
But back to our friend Dugong.
The dugong is a marine mammal,
but it’s the only cetacean herbivore. "I'm sorry can you explain? As usual
do not understand anything ... "" Now we get there. "
It belongs to the Sirenia order,
the word derives from the mermaids because in ancient times it has been
confused with them. Not by chance that owns the particular characteristics: a
long tail with bilobate tail fin that moves slowly, but very efficient, two
pectoral fins which are mainly used for anchoring to the ground, then we will
see why, rather than to move and the position of the mammary glands very
unusual, the upper chest, so as to resemble their own to a female breast.
Voilà the legend is made.
But it’s not the only mammal that
has a "breast" in the same position with human beings, however,
common to all primates, and you know what are the other two? I tell you, the
Elephant and the Hyrax. Unexpected true? Actually they are closely related to
an evolutionary point of view, that is, they have a common ancestor, not very
far, land based and small, who then thanks to evolutionary pressures was
"differentiated" in different animals, whales, elephants and nice
hyrax that share several qualities, including how to make sounds in space
called echolocation and some ways of communication. But our Mr. Dugong is
unique, in fact, while all other cetaceans, whether it be of dolphins (toothed whales)
rather than whales (baleen whales) are strictly carnivores, it’s herbivorous.
It feeds on a marine plant that grows only in some bays (Marsa in Arabic) in
different parts of the world, especially in the Red Sea.
"Slowly, slowly
... marine plants? You mean seaweeds = algae! "" No, no I mean plants”
seagrasses that have a root system to
anchor to the ground, a stem, leaves and flowers are emitting pollen, having a
sexual reproduction just like land plants, there is one in the Mediterranean
also called Posidonia, have you ever heard about? Our friend Dugong divides the
meal with green sea turtles in these seagrass prairies where it digs little
pathways radially, very similar to those found in the bush that we call
"game tracks", the "dugong tracks", grazing with a certain
hunger this tender grass. And it needs to eat a lot! It can easily grow up to 4
m per 400 kg and is a calm and relaxed giant and without natural enemies. A
part of the man of course.
It’s a mammal and therefore depends on the surface
and from the air to breathe every 8 minutes it must return to the surface to
take a breath of air, and does so without too many worries.
Although not absolutely dangerous
to humans and not at all aggressive, you really have to have a certain code of
behavior when approaching a specimen.
First, do not touch it (otherwise I will
deadlift your hands) according not keep up too close and not too much above
him, he is on bottom and you on surface to snorkel, but I would say that the
area is not to crowd too, advisable thing could disturb him and then, not
wanting, cast it out from its house.
Besides, I personally have a rule, which
is respected by my colleagues of the diving center, after about fifteen minutes
of observation we come back to land trying to make it clear to the guests, we
are lucky to have had the opportunity to see an endangered animal, and that may
it’s enough, don’t you think?
It’s better not to disturb an animal, so you have
the opportunity to see it again another time rather than drive it out. We can
enjoy nature in a different way, more ethical and conservation oriented, in the
best way.
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