Tutti i subacquei sono persone
Partiamo da questo assunto.
Prima di tutto perché per
decidere di incominciare ad andare sott’acqua bisogna essere come minimo
curiosi, e questo già di per sé è una cosa magnifica. Secondo perché per
iniziare a fare immersioni bisogna impegnarsi almeno un po’ ed imparare la
tecnica, non è difficile, per niente, ma bisogna prestare attenzione a diverse
cose come preparare l’attrezzatura, tenerla in ordine e pulita, manutenerla nel
corretto modo, ricordarsi tutti i passaggi di sicurezza quando si comincia ad
immergersi ed un sacco di informazioni durante il corso teorico e pratico per
prendere il brevetto, sia che si tratti del primo, quello “base” sia che si
vada avanti con i vari brevetti. Anzi più si va avanti più le informazioni
aumentano e bisogna studiare concetti di fisica, di medicina, di sicurezza, di
navigazione, di tutto e di più.
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Divers - Hamata islands divespot - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Perciò bisogna essere motivati.
Ma una volta imparato tutto ciò,
le cose diventano semplici e più ne fai più si semplificano e diventano
naturali a ripetersi e beh… ti si apre un mondo meraviglioso, di cui non riesci
più a fare a meno.
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Me, jumping from the speedboat - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Sono un rompipalle insomma.
Esistono diverse categorie di
subacquei. E qui si apre un mondo curioso di “capitale umano” altrettanto
interessante, sia socialmente che evolutivamente.
C’è il PRINCIPIANTE, ovviamente tutti noi abbiamo fatto parte di questa categoria, ma cerchiamo di negarla vedendo gli errori che comunemente un neofita compie e puntualmente criticandoli, facendo presente che “io no, questi errori non li facevo mica, dai, insomma, che ci vuole a farlo, ci sono certe persone che sono proprio impedite!” ed invece se ci fossimo registrati con una telecamera avremmo materiale di cui vergognarci per l’eternità e con cui essere ricattati nei secoli a venire. Ovviamente questi errori sono assolutamente normali e comuni e con l’esperienza non si fanno più, veroooooo????
C’è il PRINCIPIANTE, ovviamente tutti noi abbiamo fatto parte di questa categoria, ma cerchiamo di negarla vedendo gli errori che comunemente un neofita compie e puntualmente criticandoli, facendo presente che “io no, questi errori non li facevo mica, dai, insomma, che ci vuole a farlo, ci sono certe persone che sono proprio impedite!” ed invece se ci fossimo registrati con una telecamera avremmo materiale di cui vergognarci per l’eternità e con cui essere ricattati nei secoli a venire. Ovviamente questi errori sono assolutamente normali e comuni e con l’esperienza non si fanno più, veroooooo????
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Diver during a NightDive into the Housereef- Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Dite che sono esagerato? Vedrete…
Se analizziamo meglio la
categoria, possiamo ritrovare diverse sottocategorie e gruppi, come
sottopopolazioni animali che non si mischiano, ah no eh? figuriamoci, stanno
quasi per distaccarsi gli uni dagli altri come specie distinte, percorrono la
strada lunga e tortuosa della speciazione, concetto evolutivo e biologico di
cui pochi capiranno il senso, ma ve la butto lì così, tanto per far vedere che
qualcosina so e confondervi un po’ le acque.
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Me - Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
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Divers into the Housereef- Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
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Diver into the Housereef- Marsa Alam - Egypt ©Andrea Pompele All Rights Reserved |
Se vi è piaciuto questo articolo allora potreste essere interessati a lasciare un commento, oppure a leggere anche questi altri:
All divers are adventurous
Let's start with this assumption.
First of all because curiosity is
the first step to start diving, and this in itself is a magnificent thing.
Second, because to start to dive you have to commit at least a little and learn
the technique, it’s not difficult at all, but you have to pay attention to many
things like prepare the equipment, keep it clean and tidy, keep it in the
correct way, remember all the steps of security when you begin to dive and a
lot of information during the theory and practice course to take the diving
license, whether if it’s the first one, or you’ll increase your experience with
other brevets. Rather more you go forward, more informations you need and you must
study concepts of physics, medicine, security, navigation, everything, and
So you have to be motivated.
But once you learn everything about
these stuffs, things become simpler and the more you do the more it’s simple and everything become natural to
repeat in itself, and well ... you’re in front of a wonderful world, of which
you just cannot stay away.
Obviously I'm biased, already I’m
pretty strange for ordinary people, not for my fellow biologists, naturalists
or safari guides, who share my vision (), but I can be considered quite an
"underwater naturalist" , one of those who can wonder grim in 1 m of
water, without going too far, simply observing and searching for life forms
less obvious and usual, small and charming, which require some patience and
certainly a coup d 'eye.
I’m a nerd in fact.
I’m a nerd in fact.
There are several categories of
divers. And this brings us in a curious world of "human capital" just
as interesting, both by a social and evolutionary point of vue.
There is the BEGINNER DIVER, obviously we all have been part of this category, but we try to deny seeing the mistakes that commonly a neophyte performs and we regularly criticize him, pointing out that "I did’nt do these mistakes, come on, are you serious? Some people are not able to!" and instead if we had recorded with a camera our first course, we would have material to be ashamed forever and with which to be blackmailed for centuries to come. Obviously these errors are absolutely normal and common, and with the experience you don’t make them anymore, correct????
There is the BEGINNER DIVER, obviously we all have been part of this category, but we try to deny seeing the mistakes that commonly a neophyte performs and we regularly criticize him, pointing out that "I did’nt do these mistakes, come on, are you serious? Some people are not able to!" and instead if we had recorded with a camera our first course, we would have material to be ashamed forever and with which to be blackmailed for centuries to come. Obviously these errors are absolutely normal and common, and with the experience you don’t make them anymore, correct????
In opposition to this category there
is the EXPERT DIVER, perhaps one of the worst divers with which to deal, he
doesn’t need any explanation, he doesn’t need the briefing, he listens with one
ear open and the other closed, yawning and bored, he knows. This is enough. And
it’s devastating. For us that we have to dive with. He doesn’t respect the
rules and goes wherever by his own, he moves away from the group and you have
to waste time looking for him, if you see an animal or a plant interesting or
rare, I mean maybe a nudibranch ( sea "snails" colorful and toxic,
simplifying a lot) not exactly easy to find, he looks at you as if he had seen
hundreds, if you show the eggs of a fish anchored to a coral, or maybe a
reproductive behavior, courtship or territorial defense, he’s not flustered, he
eats bread at National Geographic, your marine and ecologic biology degrees
mean nothing, his gaze is eloquent, in water you cannot talk, but the facial
expression says many things and its expression assumes an air of sufficiency
for which you would like to switch off the his tank, anchor him to the ground,
tear his the regulator out of his mouth, make him a cut and watch him die eaten
by several species of sharks while you enjoy the show.
You say you are exaggerated? You will see...
You say you are exaggerated? You will see...
If we analyze this category, we
can find several subcategories and groups, as animal subpopulations that do not
mix, let them alone, they stay away from others as distinct species, on the
long and winding road of speciation, evolutionary and biological concept that
few o you will understand, but I'll throw it there as well, just to show you that
I know a little and confuse you a little.
There is the DEEP DIVER, also
EXPERT of course, what "diving for me is like a minimum 40 meters depth,
otherwise I would not even consider it like a dive," he enjoys, literally,
to go deep, for him to go down is the most important thing in the world, and he
goes down, goes down a lot, no deep no fun, he likes 80 meters with two deco safety
stops, he doesn’t care much if a maximum depth of 5 meters are passing dolphins
playing with divers, "Idon’tcareaboutdolphins! come on let’s go down!
"or a whale shark or a group of manta rays, he doesn’t look around him
even if you force him, he is a junkie depth, you know why: nitrogen narcosis, the
disorienting and effect, he likes it, a lot, it’s his goal, he is addicted to a
certain depth and he wants to retry the same euphoric feeling of the first
time, shortly, is a junkie.
another diver to stay away from. Some technical divers are very humble and
prepared, while others are deficient in the brain, in the literal sense, they
loose some fundamental neurons for the logical-rational thought, they introduce
themselves as "technical divers" they have an equipment that would
envy any diving store, probably they contracted thirty years debts to be able
to buy it and bring happiness to the producers. Obviously their equipment
cannot even watched by you, otherwise i twill be ruined, as if your piercing
gaze can destroy objects. They are those of the mixtures, they are those of the
rebreather, they stay hours underwater, if they could have gills tehy could not
even come out to the surface, then when you take them underwater they cannot
swim well either, an overweight hamster is more agile of them, they move badly,
they are ugly to see and struggling to equalize.
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